The Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures document the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care’s operation of its Coordinated Entry System and acts as a guide to its continuing operation in compliance with the Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grants Program.
The Coordinated Entry Process Self-Assessment Checklist identifies aspects of Coordinated Entry that HUD has determined are required, as well as other recommended aspects of Coordinated Entry functionality, operations, and management, pursuant to HUD Coordinated Entry Notice CPD-17-01 (2017); HUD Prioritization Notice CPD-16-11 (2016); Coordinated Entry Policy Brief (2015); CoC Program interim rule: 24 CFR 578.7(a)(8); ESG interim rule: 24 CFR 576.400(d); and HUD Equal Access rule: 24 CFR 5.105(a)(2) and 5.106(b).
The Coordinated Entry Case Conferencing Confidentiality Agreement is used to ensure that all Resource Connect Solano case conferencing participants maintain the confidentiality of personal client information. A separate Veterans By Name List Confidentiality Agreement is used for participants in BNL meetings. Both agreements are valid for one year.
The Emergency Transfer Request is used by a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to request an emergency transfer as described in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). All participants in the Resource Connect Solano Coordinated Entry System are informed of their right to file for an Emergency Transfer. This document is also available in Spanish.
The Resource Connect Solano Flier highlights Coordinated Entry and access point contact information. Providers participating in Coordinated Entry are encouraged to display the flier in public spaces. The flier is also available in Spanish.
The Housing First Solano HMIS can be accessed here.
The HMIS Policies and Procedures describe the purpose, structure, and requirements of the Solano County HMIS, the electronic data collection system used to store longitudinal personal-level information about clients who access the homeless service system within the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care.
The HMIS Partner Agencies List states which providers have access to HMIS and should be made available to a client upon request.
The Release of Information (ROI) authorizes the release of client information in the Solano HMIS. The ROI is valid for two years. The ROI is also available in Spanish, Tagalog and Chinese.
The HMIS Intake, Update, Exit, and Follow-up forms are used to record all personal information to be entered into the Solano County HMIS, including data on demographics, homeless status, income and benefits, and domestic violence experience. HMIS Policies and Procedures require all data be entered into HMIS within three days of acquisition. Additional assessments are available for programs with specific data collection requirements:
Several HMIS forms are specific to COVID-19:
The HMIS COVID-19 Testing Form is used to record basic information about COVID-19 testing results.
The HMIS COVID-19 Vaccination Form details client vaccination screening and status.
Assessments specific to the Project Roomkey program are available for FEMA enrollments and non-FEMA enrollments as well. Instructions for how to enter data into HMIS for Project Roomkey are also available.
The HMIS Confidentiality and Security Agreement Form provides licensed users who have also completed mandatory client confidentiality and security training access to the Solano County HMIS.
The HMIS End User Guide describes procedures for creating a client profile, entering or exiting a client from a program, updating client information, completing assessments, generating an Annual Performance Report, etc., in HMIS.
The HMIS Data Dictionary is designed for HMIS vendors and HMIS Lead Agency system administrators to identify the data elements required in an HMIS and understand the function and specific use of each element by the appropriate federal partner.
The Community Action Partnership of Solano, Joint Powers Authority has approved a process for agencies with limited funding who do not participate in HMIS to request subsidies for an HMIS user license purchase. Requests for a refund of HMIS license fees are available as well.
The Right to File Discrimination Complaints describes the process of responding to discrimination complaints in accordance with federal, state, and local Fair Housing laws and regulations.
The Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act describes the rights and protections federal law guarantees to applicants and tenants alike. The Notice also describes the process for removing an abuser or perpetrator of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking from a household; moving a victim from a household; requesting an emergency transfer; and documentation and certification of abuse.
The HUD Fair Housing Notice cites compliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. This document is also available in Spanish and Tagalog.