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Resource Connect Solano provides essential services to community members experiencing a housing crisis, including service referrals, connection to mainstream benefits, referrals to housing options (e.g. room and board, private landlords, rental assistance, emergency shelters) and vulnerability assessments.



Contact the RCS Housing Locator: to learn about RCS’ Landlord Housing Incentive and Support Funds!












More information:


  • The Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act describes the rights and protections federal law guarantees to applicants and tenants alike. The Notice also describes the process for removing an abuser or perpetrator of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking from a household; moving a victim from a household; requesting an emergency transfer; and documentation and certification of abuse.

  • The Emergency Transfer Request is used by a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to request an emergency transfer as described in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). All participants in the Resource Connect Solano Coordinated Entry System are informed of their right to file for an Emergency Transfer. This document is also available in Spanish.

  • The Housing First Solano Continuum of Care has a process for handling grievances and complaints made by clients, provider agencies, or other parties expressing dissatisfaction with the homeless system of care in Solano County. Any person participating in Resource Connect Solano or interacting with programs in the Solano County homeless system of care has the right to submit a grievance, a discrimination complaint, or a complaint related to the use or disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII). Resolution of grievances related to a particular service agency should be attempted first through that agency’s grievance procedure. Grievances and complaints related to discrimination or use or disclosure of PII can also be submitted on the Housing First Solano Continuum of Care (CoC) website.

  • Partnership HealthPlan of Northern California's Transportation Flier contains important information about emergency transportation services, non-emergency medical transportation, non-medical transportation, and related services and resources.    



  • Caminar provides support services to the Solano community that enable people in their recovery process to live independently and self-sufficiently in accordance with their ability and choice.

  • Catholic Charities of Yolo-Solano provides services to the poor and vulnerable, promotes human dignity and advances social justice, with a focus on family assistance, immigration, and counseling.

  • Community Action North Bay (CAN-B) provides housing and safety net services to help individuals live healthy and productive lives. CAN-B serves veterans, individuals experiencing physical and mental disabilities, seniors, and other vulnerable persons living in Solano County who are socially and economically at-risk.

  • The Edge Community Church engages in street outreach and provides food and other social services to homeless and other low-income individuals in Solano County.

  • Fighting Back Partnership partners with businesses, residents, and government to improve neighborhoods, strengthen families, and support youth development by helping to create a safe, healthy, and thriving community.

  • Global Center for Success helps needy community members develop life skills for success by focusing on personal growth, health, wellness, and employment.

  • Housing First Solano is a regional planning body of representative stakeholders in Solano County that coordinates the community’s policies, strategies and activities toward preventing and ending homelessness.

  • Legal Services of Northern California provides a variety of legal services to low-income individuals in Solano County. The organization’s Solano County office is located in Vallejo.

  • Lutheran Social Services provides services and housing to homeless adults in Solano County. Lutheran Social Services takes a holistic approach to treating people with complex needs and helping vulnerable populations regain self-sufficiency.


  • Mission Samoa provides rapid rehousing assistance for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, with a particular focus on justice adjacent reentry.

  • Nation's Finest offers homeless prevention and re-housing services, employment and training programs, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, behavioral health treatment, case management and a variety of other services to Solano County veterans.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness is a grassroots organization and support group helping families and individuals affected by mental illness with programs in Solano County.

  • Opportunity House provides shelter, transitional and alternative housing, support services, mentorship and volunteer programs to help Solano County residents achieve self-sufficiency.

  • SafeQuest Solano provides advocacy services, safety, and support to individuals affected by domestic violence and sexual assault, including individuals who are at-risk of, or are currently experiencing, homelessness.

  • The Salvation Army provides group homes, emergency shelters, transitional living centers, housing, food, and overnight lodging to individuals in need. In addition, the organization provides educational, counseling, and vocational services to Solano’s most needy citizens.

  • Shelter, Inc. operates a homelessness shelter in Fairfield and permanent housing programs throughout Solano County. The organization strives to realize a vision of rebuilding lives, one family at a time, by giving them a home, the skills, and the resources to live the life they deserve.

  • Solano Dream Center operates nomadic seasonal emergency shelters and transitional housing programs, and provides supportive services to individuals and families at-risk or currently experiencing homelessness.

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