Q: What is Resource Connect Solano?
A: Resource Connect Solano streamlines access to housing and supportive resources for people in Solano County who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Individuals and families receive assessment and referral services to identify housing needs and create linkages to available services. Using the Coordinated Entry System, we identify and facilitate the most appropriate response to each individual’s immediate and long-term housing needs. People who have been homeless the longest and are the most vulnerable receive priority access to scarce permanent housing services. Caminar, a California-based non-profit behavioral health services provider, serves as the operator for the Coordinated Entry System.
Q. Who is eligible to be referred to Resource Connect Solano?
A: Individuals and families who sleep in a place not meant for human habitation (including on the street, in a vehicle, or in a motel) or an emergency shelter or transitional housing program, or who are fleeing domestic/dating violence or human trafficking.
Q: How can I be referred to Resource Connect Solano?
A: Contact Resource Connect Solano at 707.652.7311 or email RCS@caminar.org.
Q. I have gone through the Resource Connect Solano housing interview process. Am I guaranteed housing?
A: Unfortunately, there is not sufficient housing for all applicants seeking housing placement. Resource Connect Solano will do its best to connect all participants with housing and supportive services according to their needs.